This is an update to the changes in Cambrooke GMP products that were rolled out in November 2022.
PKU News shared GLYTACTIN and TYLACTIN RTD reformulation changes last November. Cambrooke is making formula changes based on your feedback. They provided the following information:
We understand making changes to metabolic formula can affect the taste that PKU and other metabolic disorders are used to drinking every single day. Because metabolic formulas are the important base of a low protein diet, it is our responsibility to update formulas to meet the latest nutritional guidelines. GLYTACTIN and TYLACTIN RTD were created 7 years ago, and nutrition recommendations have changed.
- Lower Phe GMP: Although research shows GMP formulas do not significantly impact blood Phe levels, we know those with more severe PKU and children would benefit from having a formula option with as little Phe as possible.
- Bone Health: Research suggests those with PKU have lower bone mineral density compared to the general population. Adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D along with weight-bearing exercise are important factors to maintain bone strength.
- Higher Vitamin D: Vitamin D requirements increased after RTD was first created. The old RTD might not meet your vitamin D needs depending on age and your formula prescription.
- Added Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 has been shown to help build bone structure. Cambrooke has added this vitamin to all RTDs.
- Added Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): DHA is an essential fatty acid important for brain development and function.
GLYTACTIN RTD 10 Chocolate
After receiving feedback from current RTD 10 Chocolate drinkers, it became clear this RTD (Version 2) had the biggest taste difference. We made the decision temporarily to return to the original version of Glytactin 10 Chocolate only (Version 1).
All reformulated RTD 10 Chocolate cases are no longer in distribution, but there is a small chance a DME might still have the reformulated version. Look for 10 PE box on the cartons.
Cambrooke will make sure to provide this information to dietitians and send notices to families already in our contact database or purchasing direct from Cambrooke. Generally, this will be at the end of 2023. If you would like to be included in notifications, email us at [email protected].
- Look for a teal sticker on the case label.
- Look for a GMPure leaf on the RTD carton.
Cambrooke will make sure to provide this information to dietitians and send notices to families already in our contact database or purchasing direct from Cambrooke. Generally, this will be at the end of 2023. If you would like to be included in notifications, email us at [email protected].
- Look for a teal sticker on the case label.
- There will be no change to the RTD carton.
The GMPure leaf will remain on the carton.
GLYTACTIN RTD 15 Chocolate & Original
Cambrooke has been collecting GLYTACTIN RTD feedback through surveys for the past few months. Some liked the new RTD (Version 2), but others were struggling and unable to switch. We recognize we did not include enough current RTD customers in the first taste panel and felt it was important to make another change to satisfy more of those already on RTD.
Cambrooke returned to sugar as the primary sweetener in RTD and significantly reduced the artificial sweeteners to adjust smell and taste. We collected additional taste trial responses from PKU patients for the newest version of RTD. Most reported improvements in both smell and taste. Based on this feedback, we feel confident in moving forward with this version of GLYTACTIN RTD 15 (Version 3).
Glyactin RTD 15 Chocolate & Original | Version 1 | Version 2 | Version 3 |
Availability | 2014 – Nov 2022 | Nov 2022 – present | Coming March 2023 |
Carton (tetra)
Appearance |
Same carton as Version 2, but different sticker on case |
GLYTACTIN RTD 15 Chocolate and Original (Version 3) will start shipping at the beginning of March 2023. Version 2 will stop shipping and no longer be available.
You will not need a new script for Version 3 of RTD since the ordering information is not changing. If you receive your formula through a DME, it may take additional time until the DME has gone through their current RTD inventory.