Brenda’s Guide to Low-Protein Easter Candy

Easter is around the corner.  The traditional Easter candy is not always suitable when you are on a low protein diet, so how do you make it special for your loved one?  A little toy and a book are a great place to start when filling the basket. Easter themed knick-knacks like play-doh or egg shaped chalk are always a hit.  Jelly-beans, Peeps and Skittles to add something sweet.

Need some chocolate?  Go to Michaels, JoAnn’s or your local hobby store and check out all of the easter molds and wrappers.  Make n’ Mold chocolate wafers, almond bark, and Wilton’s candy melts are all on Use the recipe feature and start dipping.  If you have Cook for Love’s roll out sugar cookies, cut out a small Easter shaped cookie and bake. Melt a caramel in a low oven or the microwave, cut out in the same shape and dip in chocolate and you have a twix.  Not up for making candy?  Diane Sullivan does a beautiful job with making low protein chocolates and Malathy from Taste Connections makes some pretty incredible cookies. More ideas: