Guthrie-Koch PKU Scholarship Applicant Rating Form

  • The above-named student is applying for an academic scholarship. Please assist the selection committee by checking the appropriate responses below.
  • In your letter please state how long and in what capacity you have known this student (through school class, employment, etc.). Elaborate on any characteristics of the student listed above, giving any anecdotes that demonstrate your point. Please include any other pertinent information you feel will assist the selection committee in evaluating this student for a scholarship. Thank you for your assistance! If the student wins a Guthrie-Koch PKU Scholarship, you agree to have selected comments from your recommendation published on (any story will be based on the entirety of this application and a draft will be sent to the winnner for review prior to printing; all names of references will be omitted and identifying characteristics will be minimized).
    Max. file size: 50 MB.